Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Vestax VCI-400: Nonagon Performance Template

As promised I've done a little cleanup on my Vestax VCI-400 performance template, and can finally release a version for your controller hacking enjoyment. Highlights of this template include:
  • Clip Choppers (quantized recutting of up to four audio clips with LED feedback)
  • Pattern Recorders (four independent record / playback modules for clip chopping)
  • Jog Wheel Management (map wheel touch / release to manipulate any rack control; variable wheel motion -> parameter control ratio)
  • VU Meter Activation (master channel output level represented by master VU LEDs)
  • Visual Metronome (scrolling LEDs reflect 1/4 notes and downbeat during playback)
  • Toggleable "Smart" FX (granular distortion, "fade to grey", reverb, LP / BP / HP filters, gate, bitcrusher, etc)
You can download the Ableton Live set (including a bunch of my effects racks and VCI-400-specific Max for Live patches) here:

I'm very interested in getting feedback on this initial release, particularly about whether or not all of the embedded Max for Live patches load correctly. I'll do a little more testing on my own, and once I've been able to confirm that no subpatchers or other dependencies got left out, I'll upload everything to controllerism.com.

Documentation and a full description of what I've done here will need to be forthcoming; for now, know that the whole shebang (including all individual Max for Live patches) is being released under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license, which basically means that you're free to download, share, and modify everything here, but you're not allowed to include any of it in a commercial product, and must use equivalent license terms for any derivative works that you choose to release.


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