Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Just A Little Update

...on an update of mine. I've spent the last two days since returning to the Bay Area working on some tweaks to my most recent release, Undelayed By Reflection; it's now available via the original link a couple of posts down. In case you don't feel like traveling that far, though, you can also grab it right here!

Undelayed By Reflection (RC2)

Most of the changes are subtle and probably not particularly noticeable to the casual listener, though there are a couple of bigger adjustments and additions towards the end. Overall though, the improvements were necessary in my mind, and make the track feel more polished.

More news and music on the way! Keep your ears to the ground.


Anonymous said...

album cover?

D. said...

Technically perfect song, its really well written. I long the overall arch of the song where it builds to a crescendo and comes to a major resolution.

I really like the ambient sounds and chords that aren't really emphasized too much. I would really like to hear a lot more of this in the beginning and filter into the more punctual piano notes.