Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Trust In Bass Mix

Realized that I've been relying a little too much on the Nonagon Facebook page for release announcements. Part one of my effort to remedy this gross oversight: a one hour mix of original tunes and edits of other's work that I put together for the German podcast Trust in Bass.

The only requirement expressed by the TiB crew was that I focus on "bass music." I really enjoyed exploring the edges of that classification and pushing for a more musical angle on a genre that's so often associated only with the frattier fringes of dubstep. Allowing myself to include favorite tracks by other artists was a nice change of pace, and opened up a lot of emotional directions for the overall flow that wouldn't have been as available were I limited to just my own music.

I highly encourage you to download the mix (click the little downward-pointing arrow on the embedded Soundcloud player) instead of streaming it, as you'll get a significantly improved sonic experience.

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