Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Missy Elliott Remix

Project "Finish All the Work I Started Over the Last Eighteen Months" has officially begun. Despite the lengthy title (albeit with a moderately pronounceable acronym: FAWISOLEM), this should mean a lot more public output from me in the last quarter(ish) of 2010.

To get things started, here's a little remix of "Lick Shots" by Missy Elliott I wrapped up today.  You can listen in the embedded player or download the track with the little arrow icon- or both!

Missy Elliott - Lick Shots (Nonagon remix) by nonagon

For reference, here's the original (produced by one of my heroes, Timbaland).

And, as a little bonus for those of you following the blog, here's my instrumental version:

Missy Elliott - Lick Shots (Nonagon remix) Instrumental

1 comment:

kc! Bradshaw said...

Love it!