Monday, April 12, 2010

Insights Into The LoveTech Promo

Colin of CSTNG-SHDWS was recently interviewed by Create Digital Motion editor Jaymis Loveday about our collaborative performance at LoveTech in January.  Colin's responses touch on every aspect of our mutual creative process leading up to the performance, as well as the work he put into creating the four-minute promo video linked below.  Well worth the read, and very exciting to be featured on such a well-regarded blog!

AV Inspiration + Interview: CSTNG-SHDWS & Nonagon Live Promo

Create Digital Music, we're coming for you next...


Unknown said...

Thanks for the backstory. I love the extensive thought and research that went into the presentation. These are the things that add depth to a performance that the audience doesn't necessarily see, but feels as it comes across. I wouldn't expect any less from you guys either.

Colin said...

Plus we look good. Well, JB at the very least.