Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A Tip For Abletonians

Here's an idea: what if I set aside the self-centered rambling for a moment and actually share something useful with the world?

This one goes out to Live users everywhere: it turns out that you can associate comments with clips!

I'm not sure if this is a new feature in v.7 or if it's been around for a while (I'm guessing the latter), but if you right-click a clip (Arrange or Session view) and select "Edit Info Text" you'll be able to type a note that will then be associated with that clip.

Once you've added a note, mousing over the clip will display the note in the info area, just as mousing over widgets in the Live interface displays information about their functionality. In combination with location markers in the Arrange view, I've found this to be a great way to keep track of changes that you'd like to make, or just little "notes to self" that will travel with the project instead of getting lost behind your desk.

Well now, that certainly felt productive. Coming up next week: how to write a five-minute song without a breakdown in the middle. See you then!