Saturday, June 30, 2007

Don't Tell 14 Year Old Me...

...but I'm now the proud owner (and operator) of a 15" Apple Macbook Pro. Nevermind that I'm currently running Windows almost exclusively on it- it's still a pretty historical transition for me. So far it's been really great, and as soon as I sort out the little problem of Windows-only VST plugins, I'm looking forward to getting a little deeper into OS X too. For now though, I'm just happy to have a laptop that doesn't feel like it's going to rattle apart every time I pick it up (sorry Sony, but your little VAIO went home to Costco today. Adieu). Adventures in Computing!

In celebration of the change, I'd like to announce the release of my first cross-platform (sort of) track, which was started on the old laptop and finished on the new one. I give you:

South Without a Candle

I had a good time writing that last drum 'n bass track, so I decided to give it another whirl, and this one's the result. No commentary for now- I'll let the song speak for itself. Hope you like it!

7/1/07 Update: After a whopping half-day online, I've updated this track to RC2. The changes were very minor, but if you snagged RC1 hang on to it- it might be a collectible someday! ;)

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